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Los Angeles California

California is a state located on the West Coast of the United States, along the Pacific Ocean. It is bordered by Oregon to the north, Nevada to the east, and Arizona to the southeast, as well as by Baja California in Mexico to the south. The most populous U.S. state, California's capital city is Sacramento, and its four largest cities are Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, and San Francisco. California is known for its varied climate and geography, as well as for its ethnically diverse population. The state is divided into 58 counties.

The most notable event held in Los Angeles is the State Fair of California which has been held annually at Fair Park since 1886. The fair is a massive event for the state of California and brings an estimated US$350 million to the city's economy annually.

Other festivals in the area include Cinco de Mayo festivities hosted by the city's large Mexican population, Saint Patrick's Day parades in Irish communities especially along east Los Angeles's Lower Greenville Avenue, Juneteenth festivities, the Greek Food Festival of Los Angeles, and an annual Halloween parade on Cedar Springs Road.



The Seal of California was adopted at the California state Constitutional Convention of 1849 and redesigned in 1937. The seal features Minerva, the Roman goddess of wisdom; a California grizzly bear (the official state animal) feeding on grape vines, representing California wine production; a sheaf of grain, representing agriculture; a miner, representing the California Gold Rush and the mining industry; sailing ships, representing the state's economic power; and San Francisco Bay or the Sacramento River. The phrase "Eureka," meaning "I have found it!" is the California state motto.

The geography is not an exact view from any one place in California, although the waters were described in 1849 as being "of the Sacramento" and the mountains in the background as being "the snow-clad peaks of the Sierra Nevada."

The original design of the seal was by Robert S. Garnett and engraved by Albert Kuner. However, Garnett was unwilling to introduce the design to the 1849 state constitutional convention, so Caleb Lyon introduced it as his own design, with Garnett's approval. Garnett later became the first general to be killed in the Civil War, where he served as a Confederate general.

The precursor of the Flag of California was first flown during the Bear Flag Revolt and known as the "Bear Flag". A version of the Bear Flag was then adopted by the California State Legislature and signed into law by Governor Hiram Johnson in 1911 as the official state flag.

In 1953, the design and specifications for the state flag were standardized in a bill signed by then California Governor Earl Warren. The California State Flag is often called the Bear Flag and in fact, the present statute adopting the flag, Gov. Code 420, states: "The Bear Flag is the State Flag of California."

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California Seal
California Flag
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